The Southwest Tribal Native American Research Centers for Health (NARCH) Program is administered by the Albuquerque Area Indian Health Board,
The Southwest Tribal NARCH Program is part of a national initiative established in partnership with the Indian Health Service and the National Institutes of Health.
Through NARCH, American Indian and Alaska Native tribes or tribally-based organizations form partnerships with academic institutions to conduct intensive biomedical and behavioral research on existing and persistent AI/AN health problems. A major goal of the NARCH initiative is to increase the number and capacity of AI/AN professionals in the health field.
The Southwest Tribal NARCH Program Includes:
- Community Scientific & Advisory Council (CSAC)
- The Southwest Tribal Institutional Review Board
- Student Development (NARCH VII)
- Graduate Research Assistant Scholarship Program
- Scholarship Program for Health Sciences Graduate Students
- Summer Internship Program for Undergraduate and Graduate Students
- Research Projects:
- Family Listening Project (NARCH V)
- NARCH HIV/AIDS Evidence-Based Intervention Project (NARCH V)
- Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Feasibility Study (NARCH V)
- Tribal Solutions for Native Youth Affected by ACE (NARCH VII)
Albuquerque Area Indian Health Board, Inc.
5015 Prospect Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
Phone: 505-764-0036
Fax: 505-764-0446
Southwest Tribal NARCH VII Staff:
Southwest Tribal NARCH Principal Investigator:
Kevin English, DrPH
(505) 764-0036, [email protected]
Southwest Tribal NARCH Program Manager:
Rita Kie, MPH (Laguna Pueblo)
(505) 764-0036, [email protected]
Southwest Tribal NARCH VII Project Coordinator:
Rachell Tenorio, MSW (Santo Domingo Pueblo)
(505) 764-0036, [email protected]