Other Institutional Review Boards
Indian Health Service IRBs All human participant research conducted in IHS facilities or with IHS staff or resources must be approved by an IHS Institutional Review Board (IRB). There are eleven IHS IRBs: National IHS IRB (Rockville, MD), Aberdeen Area IRB, Alaska Area, Bemidji Area, Billings Area, Nashville Area, Navajo Nation, Oklahoma Area, Phoenix Area, Portland Area, and Tucson Area. Click here to view listing of IHS IRBs with point of contact information.
Tribal IRBs A number of tribal entities have formed their own IRBs under Title 45 of Federal Regulations Part 46 – Protection of Human Subjects. Tribal IRBs currently include California Rural Indian Health Board IRB, Cherokee Nation IRB, Chickasaw Nation IRB, Choctaw Nation IRB, as well as the Southwest Tribal IRB. Click here to view a listing of Tribal IRBs with point of contact information.
Academic Institutional IRBs The majority of academic institutions have research review groups to fulfill critical roles in their research protection programs. Click on each link for the academic institution conducting research in Southwest tribes. (New Mexico (UNM IRB), Colorado (COMIRB) Texas (El Paso IRB), and Arizona (UA IRB)